Ultimate Anatomy: Typical Tuition $250.00
days, 16 hr. This is Anatomy "Optimize". The format
will be lecture with “fun” lab practicum activities. The lecture will
cover Muscle Origins, Insertions & Actions. Beyond this,
students will also learn medical terminology, skeletal landmarks,
movement direction, muscle orientation, and contractility. It is from
these basics in which Anti Gravity Massage Principles are introduced
and its relevance to
massage therapy with regards to natural laws. A more “Knowledgeable”
massage therapist, gets more clients and a better return rate.
Power Chair Massage:
Typical Tuition $120.00
PCM is a 3hr workshop. You’ll learn to deliver a killer 20 minute Chair
Massage with correct Body Mechanics. You’ll learn the top 4 repetitive
strain injuries, people get from working on computers, and then
you’ll learn the Cool Moves to relieve and prevent patient's pain.
Body Opt: Typical Tuition $450.00
Body Opt. offered in 3 different ways ,18 Hrs/ CEUs.
a Revolutionary Healing Art Form, coming with philosophies &
healing principles to help guide your treatment for
optimal results. You’ll be introduced to an assessment tool on how to
map the body’s asymmetries and predict the location of your client’s
pain. You'll learn 15 ”Million dollar moves” designed to
specifically ”Unwind” muscle tension, correct your client’s
asymmetries and realign joints from head to toe. They were developed to
decrease the amount of effort on the practitioner even while working
"deeply" on the largest clients. Body Opt. is the Science behind what
you have intuitively known as a massage therapist. Combine these
two forms of knowledge & become a more powerful healing arts
Secrets Of Sciatica: Typical Tuition $200.00
SOS is a 6 hr. workshop and lecture. Topics covered are Basic Anatomy of the
lower spine and pelvic girdle, Biomechanics of the lower spine and pelvic
girdle, Pathway of the Sciatic Nerve and Postural Analysis. Treatment of the
Sciatic Nerve using eight different healing principles, including muscle energy
techniques, Cranio-Sacral, Mckenzie etc.
If you are interested in taking or Hosting any of these workshops, please contact me by
email: al@alcochanshealinghands.com
call me at 415 456-1740
Body Opt: 3 day, 18hr, 18 CEUs. Mar. 1-3, 2024. 9am-4pm.
Cost: $450.00
LOCATION: 35 Baywood Terrace. San Rafael, CA 94901
Make check payable to Al Chan.
Send to: 35 Baywood Terrace. San Rafael, CA 94901
Paypal: Recipient: clementco@yahoo.com
Please send Tuition as a gift, or to family to avoid fees.
For credit card. We have Square.
Email or call in you CC#, Exp.Date, CV# & Zip Code
also check out Alco's "how to be a better body worker" on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acxo1TvwUYs